National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Recruitment 2011

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI)
(Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology)
C-127, Industrial Area, S A S Nagar, Phase 8, Mohali, Punjab, India-160071

Technical and Administrative positions on direct selection or deputation basis

NABI needs officers and staff of high caliber and potential to generate a transformational institute :

  1. Manager Administration: 01 post
  2. Institute Engineer : 01 post
  3. Library cum Informatics Officer : 01 post
  4. Assistant Engineer (Electrical/ Civil) : 02 posts 
  5. Management Assistants (Administration, Stores, Public Relations) : 03 posts
  6. Library Assistant : 02 posts 
  7. Computer Operator : 01 post
Application Fee :  Rs.100/- (No application fee for SC/ST/PWD candidates), by means of Demand Draft (issued by State Bank of India only), drawn in favour of “National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali” payable at Phase-1Br., Mohali.

Processor For Application : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Administrative Officer, National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, C-127, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160071 (India) super-scribing ‘Application for the post of __________” on the envelope, so as to reach on or before 30/11/2011.

For More Information And Application format Visit here 


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