DTEE Delhi Recruitment 2010 | DTEE 2010 Vacancies 2010
Govt. of N.C.T. of Delhi
Department of Training & Technical Education
Muni Maya Ram Marg, Near T.V. Tower, Pitampura, Delhi-110088
Interview for instructors on full time contract basis in Govt. ITIs/BTC.
The following posts in Govt. ITIs/BTC are proposed to be filled up for the mentioned Trade/discipline. The appointment will be on purely Contract Basis for current academic session 2010 -11 or as per the requirement of the Institute or till such time the posts are filled on regular basis through DSSSB, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, whichever is earlier.
1. Instructors in Govt. ITIs / BTC
Pay-Scale - Min. Basic Pay in PB-2 + GP + DA@ 35% i.e. Rs. 9300+4200 + 4725 = Rs. 18225/-
Trade / Discipline
1. Architectural Assistant
2. Auto Electrician
3. Call Center Assistant
4. C.O.P.A.
5. COE - Automobile Sector [Pusa]
6. COE - Electrical Sector [Dheerpur & Khichripur]
7. COE - Information Technology [Jail Road]
8. Commercial Art
9. Computer Hardware & Networking [C.H. & N.W.]
10. Cutting & Sewing
11. D/M Civil
12. D/M Mechanical
13. Data Entry Operator
14. Dent Beating & Spray Painting
15. Desk Top Publishing Operator
16. Digital Photography
17. Dress Designing
18. Electrician
19. Electronics
20. Embroidery
21. Engg. Drawing
22. Event Management Assistant
23. Fashion Technology
24. Fitter
25. Food Production [General]
26. Front Office Assistant
27. Health & Sanitary Inspector
28. I.T. & E.S.M. / Radio & T.V.
29. Instrument Mechanic
30. Interior Decorator
31. L.O.M.M.
32. Machinist
33. Machinist Grinder
34. Motor Mechanic
35. Office Machine Operator
36. Painter (General)
37. Plumber
38. Ref. & A/C
39. Scooter Mechanic
40. Secretarial Pra
41. Steel Fabricator
42. Steno – Hindi
43. Steward
44. Surveyor
45. Tool & Die Maker / [P.T.J. & Fix.]
46. Tourist Guide
47. Tractor Mechanic
48. Turner
49. Welder
50. Wireman
51. Workshop Calculation & Science
Last Date for receipt of application : 04.08.2010
Date & Place of Interview
Date : On all working days between 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM
Place : Room No. 203 , NG Branch , DTTE, Pitampura , delhi
For More Information
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