South Central Railway Group D Recruitment 2013

South Central Railway 
Secunderabad (Andhra Pradesh) 
Published for
South Central Railway invites prescribed application format from eligible Indian Citizens for the following Group-D posts filling up total 2801 vacancies in various Divisions, Workshops and Offices of South Central Railway.

1. Trackman Engineering 1979 (SC-297, ST-148, OBC-534, UR-1000)
2. Helper-ll Electrical, Engineering, Mechanical &S&T 440 (SC-66, ST-33, OBC-119, UR-222)
3. Assistant Points Man Operating 382 (SC-57, ST-29, OBC-103, UR-193)
Scale of Pay (for all posts): Pay Band-I Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-
Age Limit : 18-33 years reckoned as on 01.01.2014. Age relaxation as per Govt. Rules.
Educational Qualifications: Candidates should possess qualification of pass in 10th or ITI or equivalent. Candidates who are appearing or awaiting results of the final examinations of 10th/ITI or equivalent on the date of application are not eligible to apply.
Application Fee - Rs.100/-
Process For Application : Application in the prescribed format. Applications complete in all respects along with required enclosures should be sent by post to the Assistant Personnel Officer/RRC/SC, Written Examination Control Centre, Railway Bunglow No.100, Opp. St. Anthony's Church, Beside Mettuguda Bus stop. South LaIlaguda, Secunderabad (Andhra Pradesh) - 500 017 on or before 17.00 hrs. of 30th September 2013. On the envelope containing the application it should be clearly been written "APPLICATION FOR ERSTWHILE GROUP-D POSTS - GRADE PAY Rs.1800/-", EMPLOYMENT NOTICE NO. RRC/SCR/GROUP-D/1/2013. For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Islands and for candidates residing abroad, the closing date and time for receiving of application is 15.10.2013 up to 17:00 hrs.
For More Information Please Visit Below Link  


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