LIC East Central Zonal Patna Financial Service Executives Recruitment 2013

East Central Zonal Office Patna
Published for
Approximately 66 Financial Services Executives
are proposed to be engaged for 2013-2014 by various Divisional Offices of East
Central Zone (Bihar, Jharkhand & Odisha) on Contract basis for 3 years (renewable depending on the performance) under the jurisdiction of Zonal Office Patna
as per details below
1. Begusarai - 07
2. Berhampur - 05
3. Bhagalpur - 07
4. Bhubaneswar - 04
5. Cuttack - 10
6. Hazaribgh - 04
7. Jamshedpur - 06
8. Muzaffarpur - 07
9. Patna -1 - 06
10. Patna-II - 04
11. Sambalpur - 06
Vacancies – 66
Age: (i) The applicant shall have completed 21
years of age and not more than 35 years of age as on 01. 04. 2013
Qualification: Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree
of a University in India established under a statute.
Preference may be given to those applicants who possess the Bachelor Degree or
Diploma in Marketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and also
one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft
skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be additional advantage.
(Candidates already having IRDA license are not eligible)
APPLICATION FEE (Non-Refundable): For all candidates (other than SC/ST
category): Rs 100/-.the Application Fee shall be paid by Demand Draft only (valid
for six months), favoring “Life Insurance Corporation of India” and payable at
Divisional Head Quarter. Candidate’s name and date of birth should be written on the reverse of the Demand
Last date for receipt of Application Form together with Demand Draft towards application fees will be 23/09/2013
For More Information Please Visit Below Link
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