Pasteur Institute of India Recruitment 2012 |
Advt. No. 01/2012 dated 02.06.2012
Pasteur Institute of India,
Coonoor is one of the leading Institutions in the production of
Antirabies Vaccine and DPT group of Vaccines for the Universal
Immunization Programme (UIP) of Government of India functioning as an
autonomous body under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India, New Delhi. Applications are invited for the
following posts in the Institute.
1. Assistant Research Officer UR - 1
2. Assistant Accounts Officer UR- 1
3. Research Assistant 2 Nos.
UR – 1, ST -1
4. Estate Care Taker UR - 1
5. Junior Stenographer UR - 1
6. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) 7 Nos - UR– 3, SC – 1, ST - 1,
OBC – 2 including 1 No. PWD
Processor For Application:
Application in the prescribed format duly filled, enclosing therewith the requisite DD for Rs.300/- (Rs.60/- for SC/ST) (non-refundable) to be drawn in favour of “Director, Pasteur Institute of India” Payable at “Coonoor” and no fee for PWD candidates and a set of attested photo copies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualification, age, experience, category etc., as listed below and affixing passport size photograph at
the space provided should be sent in sealed cover superscribed ‘APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________ ’ so as to reach the following address on or before 30.06.2012.
The Director,
Pasteur Institute of India,
Coonoor – 643 103,
The Nilgiris, Tamilnadu.
For More Information Visit here
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