Central University of Tamil Nadu Recruitment 2012 | www.cutn.ac.in

(Established by an Act of Parliament, 2009)

Employment Notice No. 2 /CUTN/T /2012 Date – 06/06/2012

CUTN invites online applications for the following Regular and Backlog vacancies:

Professors / Associate Professors / Assistant Professors (Group-A positions)

  1. Professor : 06 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP : 10000
  2. Associate Professor : 21 posts, Pay Scale :  Rs. 37400-67000 + AGP : 9000
  3. Assistant Professor : 39 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 + AGP : 6000

Those who had applied in response to our employment Notice no.4/CUTN/Faculty/2011 in disciplines viz., Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Studies, Linguistics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences & Tamil , NEED NOT APPLY AGAIN. THEIR CANDIDATURE WILL BE CONSIDERED ALONG WITH THE PRESENT APPLICANTS, IF THEY ARE SHORTLISTED BY THE SCREENING COMMITTEE. However, they may update their bio-data, if they wish to by e-mail only at faculty2012@cutn.ac.in. They should indicate the same IN THE SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL by writing “POST APPLIED FOR AND CANDIDATES APPLICATION NUMBER” i.e. for example, if a candidate has applied for Assistant Professor in Economics and his application number is ECO-33, he should indicate the same by writing on the subject of the email by “ASSISTANT PROFESSOR AND ECO-33” and need not pay the fees. To know the names of the candidates, whose applications are available with us in response to the above cited employment notice, please click here “ List of Candidate’s application available with CUTN, who had applied in response to employment Notice no.4/CUTN/Faculty/2011”. Candidates desiring to update their personal and academic profile may click here for format “Application for updating”. Please note candidates applying afresh should apply only online and no other means of mode of receipt will be acceptable. This provision is only for those applicants, who had applied in 2011 in response to our recruitment notification no. 04/CUTN/Faculty/2011 and wish to update their profile.

Application Fee A crossed Demand Draft of Rs.750/- (from any nationalised bank) for candidates under „General‟ & „OBC‟ category, Rs. 250/- for SC, ST, PWD & Women candidates and US$ 20 (US Dollars) for candidates applying from abroad & wish to pay the amount in foreign currency, payment should be drawn in favour of “CUTN, Thiruvarur”, payable at Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu should be sent along with the printout application. The DD should be placed/tagged at top of the application.

Processor for Application : The print out application should be signed by the applicant. The application along with enclosures in support of caste, educational qualification, work experience, research activities etc., should be forwarded to the Registrar, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur – 610 004 on or before 31/07/2012.

For More Information visit Here


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