Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment for Finance Officer and Probationary Officer Jobs
Recruitment in Mazagon Dock Limited for the post of Finance officer, Probationary Officer
notification for the post of Finance Officer and Probationary Officer
has been issued by Mazagon Dock Limited. Hence In this regard,
Applications are invited from the Candidates, who has not crossed 26
years, latest by 30 March, 2012. Detailed information about Name of
post, No. of vacancies, Age Limit, Salary, Educational qualification,
Selection process, How to apply, last date etc are given in next few
passages given below-
Advertisement Ref. No. MDL/HR-O/REC/19/2012
1. Name of Post- Finance Officer
Vacancies - 08
Qualification – Applicants must have completed ICWA/ CA degree / MMS/
MBA/ PG diploma in finance from any recognized institution/ University.
Working knowledge of computer in ERP environment is desirable for this
2. Name of post – Probationary Officer
Discipline - Human Resources (HR)
Vacancies – 04
Qualification – PG or diploma in any one of disciplines Labor and
Social Welfare, Labor welfare, Labor studies, Human resource Management,
Management Studies, PM and IR, Industrial Relations with Labour
Welfare, Personnel Management, Social Work, Social Welfare, Labor
Welfare with PM or IR, or MBA with HR from a recognized University
recognized by AICTE.
3. Name of Post – Probationary Officer (Technical)
Discipline- Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics.
Vacancies – 28 (Mechanical-19, Electrical- 07, Electronics – 02)
: B.Tech in discipline of Mechanical, Electronics or Electrical with
minimum 55% marks from any recognized University can apply..
Age Limit- For All of above position, Candidate should not be more than 26 years as counted on 30th March of 2012.
Relaxation in Age- Age will be relaxed as per following in upper limit -
– 05 years, PBC- 03 years, MDL Service Men- 05 years , Relaxation in
age for EX Service Men and PWD Candidates will be given as per rules and
regulations of Company.
Pay Scale: Rs.16,400-40,500/- Per Month.
Selection Process – Selection will be made on the basis of Written Test followed by Interview.
Application Fee:Applicants have to pay Rs.250/- in shape of Bank DD in favor of Mazagon Dock Limited, Payable at Mumbai.
Fee exemption:SC/ST/PWD Candidates are exempted from Paying application fee.
Processor For Application:Applicants desired and having required eligibility will have to download application format first through the further given web link. One latest passport size photo should be pasted on proper space and one extra same photograph must be enclosed with application.
Candidates are requested to attach self attested xerox copies of all essential documents and Demand Draft of Rs.250/- . Service Men Candidates will have to apply through proper channel only or produce NOC at the time of interview. Candidates are advised to write ‘Name of Post applied for’ on the top of envelope containing application. Duly filled application along with all required enclosures should be sent below mentioned address.
Address for submission of Application form- Additional General Manager (HR-O), Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai -400010.
Last Date for Submission of Application form- 30 March, 2012.
For More Information And Application Format Visit Here
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