Institute for Plasma Research Recruitment 2012 |
Near Indira Bridge, Bhat Village, Dist. Gandhinagar - 382 428
ADVT. NO. 01/2012
The Institute for Plasma Research
is a premier scientific institute under the Department of Atomic Energy;
Govt. of India devoted to research and development activities in the
areas of basic Plasma Physics, Magnetic Confinement fusion and
industrial applications of plasmas. Applications are invited from highly
motivated and result oriented candidates for the posts of :
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE: B.Sc. (3 Years) (Fresh) (First Class) with (Physics) as a main subject. JOB DESCRIPTION : The selected candidates will be required to assist Scientist & Engineers in carrying out tests and experiments related to vacuum systems, spectroscopy, microwaves, plasma diagnostics systems, magnet systems, etc.
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : I.T.I. (First Class) Fitter / Electronics Mechanic Trade preferably with one year experience. JOB DESCRIPTION: (FITTER) (No. of Post – 1) : The selected candidate will be required to do Cutting, drilling, filing and fitting work; Dimensional measurement work; Mechanical components and materials handling. The candidate will have to assistance in the installation, testing and maintenance of mechanical transmission line components. JOB DESCRIPTION: (ELECTRONICS MECHANIC) (No. of Posts – 4) : The selected candidates will be required to do cable laying, PCB soldering and wiring. Will also assist in the installation, testing and maintenance of various electronic systems like signal conditioning system. The selected candidates will be required to work in shifts.
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : Graduate with 5 years or Post Graduate with 3 years relevant experience in reputed organization(s). Candidate should have adequate working knowledge in computer operation and familiar with MS Office, Excel, and related office software. Knowledge of Central Govt. Rules will be added advantage. Should have good command over oral and written English. JOB DESCRIPTION : The selected candidate will have to carry out Stores activities such as (1) Receipt and issue of material as per institute’s procedure and issue and receipt of stock items and its management, (2) Conducting Physical Verification of Equipments, (3) Conducting Disposal of Equipments as and when assigned by superior, (4) Data Entry in our PAST programme, report printing and record keeping, (5) Floating enquires, preparation of comparative statements, correspondence with vendors, preparation of Repairing/Maintenance orders, preparation of payment notes etc.
Sl.No.4 MULTI SKILLED ASSISTANT (ADMINISTRATION) (PROJECT) (No. of Post – 1) QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : Fresh Graduate with First Class or Lower Division Clerk (GP of Rs.1900/-) with 8 years of experience. Working knowledge in computer operation and familiar with MS Office, Excel and related office
softwares. JOB DESCRIPTION : The selected candidate will be required to handle post work, courier documents, clearing of bills, liveries, franking rebate, etc. work relating to Hindi translation and other related work given by the Administrative Office from time to time.
Sl.No.5 LIBRARY TRAINEES (No. of Posts – 3) IPR has a special well equipped library with latest information technology providing specialized services to Scientific Community. The selected candidate will be trained in different library activities such as Acquisition, Circulation, References, Inter Library Loan, handling of e-resources, Information services etc. and will get an exposure to work in fully computerized library and with new IT Tools. QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : Post Graduate in Library and Information Science (above 55% marks) with knowledge of Computer. Trainees will be required to work in shifts.
QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE : H.S.C. + C.O.P.A. (Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant) (First Class) from ITI or its equivalent passed in the year 2010 and onwards. Selection will be based on merit basis.
HOW TO APPLY : Typed application on A4 size paper strictly in the following format with one recent passport size photograph duly affixed on the right hand top corner of the application alongwith copies of testimonials in support of Qualification and Work Experience, etc. should reach The Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Institute for Plasma Research at the above address on or before 16/01/2012.
The envelope should be strictly superscribed with Advt. No. and Post Applied for.
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