Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneswar Recruitment Notification
Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneswar Notification
Advt No: 34/2010-11
Date: 04.11.2011
1. Research Associate /SRF (Funded by DBT, Govt. of India) : 01 Nos.
Project title: Temporal and
spatial expression pattern of ethylene and starch synthesizing genes
during development of rice kernels contrast for grain weight.
Fellowship: Rs.22, 000/- per month plus @ 20% HRA
Eligibility and Selection: Candidates having Ph.D in Botany/ Biotechnology or M.Sc in Agricultural Science/Biotechnology or M.Tech in Biotechnology with at least three years of research experience in molecular biology, evidenced by publication and work done. Candidates with M.Sc. in Botany/Biotechnology with at least two years of research experience in molecular biology, evidenced by publication and work done, may also apply. In the latter case, however, the candidate will be appointed as SRF
Max age limit: 40 Years.
Important Dates:
Last date of receiving applications : 21.11.2011 (3.00PM)
Display of names of short listed candidates at website : 21.11.2011 (7.00 PM)
Date of Interview : 29.11.2011 (10 AM)
Processor For Application
Interested and eligible candidates may apply with detailed bio-data with attested copies of all relevant certificates to the Director, Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar-751023 on or before last date. The position is purely temporary and co-terminus with project. The candidates will not have any right to claim (explicit or implicit) to any post in the Institute. No interview letter will be sent separately. No TA & DA will be paid for attending the interview. The decision of the Director regarding selection of the candidates will be final and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Prospective candidates may visit the institute website:
For More Information Visit here
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