Various Faculty Recruitment by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 2010
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
POWAI, MUMBAI – 400 076
IIT Bombay invites applications from well qualified candidates for faculty positions at the level of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in its various academic Departments, Centres, Schools and Interdisciplinary programs.
There is no last date.
Name of the Post
1. Professors
2. Associate Professors
3. Assistant Professors
1. Aerospace Engineering
2. Chemical Engineering
3. Chemistry
4. Civil Engineering
5. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Earth Sciences
7. Electrical Engineering
8. Humanities & Social Sciences
9. Mathematics
10. Mechanical Engineering
11. Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
12. Physics
13. Energy Science & Engineering
14. Biosciences & Bioengineering
Ph.D. with First class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceeding degree and a good academic record throughout.
Processor For Application
Visit Here For More Information Simply Copy red link and paste it into your browser
POWAI, MUMBAI – 400 076
Advertisement No. F38/ 20102011

There is no last date.
Name of the Post
1. Professors
2. Associate Professors
3. Assistant Professors
1. Aerospace Engineering
2. Chemical Engineering
3. Chemistry
4. Civil Engineering
5. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Earth Sciences
7. Electrical Engineering
8. Humanities & Social Sciences
9. Mathematics
10. Mechanical Engineering
11. Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
12. Physics
13. Energy Science & Engineering
14. Biosciences & Bioengineering
Ph.D. with First class or equivalent (in terms of Grades etc.) at the preceeding degree and a good academic record throughout.
Processor For Application
The information sheet containing full details of the areas of specialization in which faculty are required and application form is available on the institute's website > Faculty Recruitment. The application must be complete with full details of educational qualifications including year of obtaining Ph.D., list of publications (with reprints of the best papers), teaching/ research/industrial experience, date of birth
alongwith the names and contact details of three referees. Visit Here For More Information Simply Copy red link and paste it into your browser
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