Faculty Recruitment in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT)

Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh
(An Institute of National Importance under an Act of Parliament)
Rolling Advertisement No. FA (Assam)-01/2010
This advertisement is for rgipt – assam, located at sibsagar, assam.
The posts are not transferable between sibsagar and rae bareli centres.
Applications are invited for the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor in the following fields:
1. Chemical Engineering
2. Computer Science and Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering
5. Petroleum Engineering
6. Chemistry
7. Mathematics
8. Physics
9. English
Areas of Specialization In Various Disciplines
Chemical Engineering:
All areas of chemical engineering
Inorganic, Organic, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry of Hydrocarbons, Catalysis and all other areas in the domain field of RGIPT.
Computer Science & Engineering
All areas of Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering
All areas of Electrical, Electronics, Power, Communications, Computer Engineering,
Instrumentation, Controls Engineering, and other areas relevant to the domain nature of RGIPT.
Geology and Geophysics
All areas relevant to the domain nature of RGIPT
Mechanical Engineering:
Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Systems, Manufacturing, Solid Mechanics, Graphics, Workshop Practice, Design Systems, Control, Energy Systems, CFD, and other areas relevant to the domain nature of RGIPT.
All areas of Pure & Applied Mathematics.
Petroleum Engineering:
All areas of Petroleum Engineering
All areas of Physics and Instrumentation
The specifications for regular posts are listed below. For other positions mentioned in the
Beginning and for M Tech graduates, the emoluments will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
1. Professor
2. Associate Professor
3. Assistant Professor
The details of pay and the total minimum emoluments admissible at the time of joining are as follows:
Salary Scale, Minimum pay fixed by MHRD, Pay Band Academic Grade Pay
1. Professor 37400-67000, 48000, PB-4 (37400-67000), 10500
2. Associate Professor 37400-67000, 42800, PB-4 (37000-67000), 9500
3. Assistant Professor 15600-39100, 30000, PB-3 (15600-39100), 8000
Processor For Application : The vacancies are on Rolling basis, however for fisrt round of recruitment, An application should be sent on the prescribed form in an envelope superscribed as ‘Application for the Post……………. in RGIPT, Assam’ on or before 15/09/2010 to :
Director, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Ratapur Chowk, Rae Bareli – 229316 (U.P.)
Last Date
Visit Here For More Information and Application format Simply copy red link and paste it into your browser
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