Air India Vacancies 2010 | Captain & First Officer Jobs in India |Air India Recruitment 2010

Advt. Ref.No. TRC/FO(B738 & OTH)#2/2010: Dt.21.07.10


type rated captain & First Officer Vacancies – 2010

NACIL invites applications for the post of TYPE RATED CAPTAINS & TYPE RATED FIRST OFFICERS from B737-800 NG and OTHER BOEING CLASS COCKPIT AIRCRAFT Type Rated experienced Captains & First Officers who are willing to convert on B777 aircraft.

Number of vacancies

1. For the Post of: Captains: 40 ( Inclusive of both categories)
(GEN: 21 SC: 6 ST: 3 OBC: 10)
2. For the Post of: First Officers: 40 (Inclusive of both categories)
(GEN: 21 SC: 6 ST: 3 OBC: 10)

How to apply

Candidates meeting the above requirements should submit their typed applications in the prescribed format. Applications forms can also be downloaded from website

Applications completed in all respect along with the necessary enclosures and  accompanied with 2 recent passport size photographs (1 fixed on the format in the space provided) should be forwarded to Executive Director- Operations, 2ND Floor, Operations Department, Air India, Old Airport, Kalina, Santa Cruz (East),
Mumbai-400 029.

Applications can also be submitted in the prescribed format along with the scanned copies of enclosures by E-mail to GEN and OBC candidates should submit a non-refundable fee of Rs. 2500/- in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of Air-India, Mumbai payable at Mumbai along with their application. (SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of this fee.)

Last date of application

This advertisement shall remain open for a period of approx. 6 months. The last date of acceptance of application is 31th January 2011. Since this is an ongoing Selection process, applications received on or before the 15th day of the respective month will be taken up for selection at the earliest preferably in that particular month itself. Applications that are received after 15th day of that particular month shall be taken up for the selection in the subsequent month.

For More Information


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