Interview Tips and Question for Fresher

An interview is a final step for selection to any job. A one-one communication in the form of interview makes the decision final that whether the candidate should be selected for the job or not. 

Different types of interview Round

  • Questions asked on the basis of your CV and past academics background. 
  • Interview by a number of people where the candidate is pressurized by asking number of question during the same time. 
  • Interview on doing and explaining some task on some traits like leadership, management etc. 

Preparation tips for interview round 
  • Read your resume completely. 
  • Prepare question which can be asked by the interview panel. Questions related to your academic records and your hobbies are generally asked by the interview panel. 
  • Read about the organisation for which you are interviewed, go through the official website of the organisation once completely and have a look on the products and services offered by the company. 
  • Rehearse your interview round, gave interview in front of your teacher or an interview expert few times before the actual interview. 
Be punctual - Arrive on time better half an hour earlier. Have a positive body language, good eye contact, wear neat and clean clothes. 

During the interview be confident about your answers and be true and loyal to interview panel. Don’t hide your weaknesses and accept your week areas in front of interview panel. Good communication skills are essential for success in any interview, so work on your communication skills also. 

Some of the questions those generally being asked by the interviewer from the interviewee are likely as follows:

1. Tell me something about yourself. 

Answer - Answer in about two minutes. Avoid details, don’t amble. Touch on these four areas:
How many years, doing what function, Education credentials, Major responsibility and accomplishments, Personal summary of work style (plus career goals if applicable)

2. Why should we hire you in our Organization?

Answer - Tell about the strengths and achievements so far. By this the interviewers come to know about your fitness for the job. Remember in mind that the interviewers are very experienced, so never say something about yourself that is not true. If you try to outsmart saying something untrue will disqualifies you from job opportunity.

3. What do you know about our organization?

Answer - Research the target company before the interview. Basic research is the only way to prepare for this question. Do your homework, and you can score big on this question. 

4. According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?

Answer - Be prepared to define success, and then respond (consistent record of responsibility)

5. Why you want job in a government bank when you can get better salary in private jobs?

Answer - The question is mostly asked to the candidate about 90% for knowing about the person desirability. The candidate must be prepared for this question and never straight away to say that you didn't get job anywhere in private sectors or saying about the stresses of private jobs. Rather you must be realistic in answer to show your genuine desire of working in a Govt. sector.


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