West Bengal State Electricity 500 ITI Trainees Wireman or Electrician Recruitment 2012

Important Dates:
Starting Date for Online Registration: 14-06-2012 (10 AM)
Last Date for Online Registration: 27-06-2012 (6 PM)
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 07-07-2012
Intimation to Candidates Regarding Admit Card by e-mail and SMS: 19-07-2012
Written Test: 05-08-2012
Name of Post: ITI Trainees
Total Number of Vacancies: 500
Total Number of Vacancies: 500
Age Limit
Candidates’ age must be between 18 and 27 years as on 01-01-2012. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules).
Educational Qualification
Candidate must possess Madhyamik or equivalent plus Trade Certificate under NCTVT from any Govt. ITI under Director of Industrial Training, Govt. of West Bengal in the trade (2 years’ duration).
Candidate must possess Madhyamik or equivalent plus Trade Certificate under NCTVT from any Govt. ITI under Director of Industrial Training, Govt. of West Bengal in the trade (2 years’ duration).
Application Fee Details
Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 250/- in form of Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque drawn in favor of “West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd.” payable at Kolkata only. SC/ST candidates of West Bengal are exempted from payment of fee.
Selection Process
Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in Written Test, Computer Proficiency Test and Interview.
Processor for application
Candidates need to apply online for the post on or before 27-06-2012. After
submission of Online Application candidates must send it along with all
relevant enclosures on or before 07-07-2012 in Ordinary post.
Instructions for Online Application:
1. Log on to www.wbsedcl.in and select the ‘Careers @ WBSEDCL’link.
2. Select the link Recruitment for the Post of ITI Trainees and got through the notifiation.
3. Click on ‘Click Here to Apply Online’ link to start the online application process.
4. Before filling the online application a valid Email ID and Mobile No are required and Company may send call letters for Written Test and Interview etc. through the registered Email ID.
5. In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal E-mail ID, he should create his new E-mail ID before applying online.
6. Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his Photograph and Signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications as per the guideline.
7. Select the Apply Online link and Click on New User button to register yourself.
8. Fill all marked details carefully, check once for errors and upload photograph and signature at the places provided.
9. Click on Submit button, take print of Application Form to be along with all relevant enclosures.
10. Send them to The Advertiser, Post Box No. 9440, Park Street Post Office, Kolkata – 700 016.
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