National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute Recruitment 2012 |
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute
C-127, PHASE-VIII, Industrial Area, SAS NAGAR, Mohali-160071
(PUNJAB), India
DEANS: Three Posts – Direct Recruitment or Deputation
(Advt. No. NABI-3(1)2012-Rectt.(Deans)
The Department of Biotechnology, Government of India has established
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) in the, Knowledge City at
Mohali, Punjab. NABI offers state -of- art infrastructure in genomics, plant
biotechnology, post-harvest quality, metabolomics, value addition to food,
bioinformatics and nutritional sciences.
The institute comprises of three major areas of research: -
The institute comprises of three major areas of research: -
(a) Agriculture Biotechnology, with a focus on genomic approaches to enhance the quality of farm produce and food crops.
(b) Food Biotechnology with a
focus on innovative processes and products to enhance the stability and value
of farm produce.
(c) Nutritional
Biotechnology, for innovative approaches to health through nutrition and diet.
(i) Dean, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
(ii) Dean, Department of
Food Science & Biotechnology
(iii) Dean, Department of
Nutritional Science & Biotechnology.
Essential Qualification:
- PhD in plant molecular biology, food science & technology, nutritional science, biochemical or bioprocess engineering or related subject area, as applicable to establish the above three Centres.
- At least 15 years of experience at a high position in a research / teaching institute / university / industry with published research of highest standards and / or technologies of established utility.
- Outstanding credentials in scientific, academic and technological achievements.
Processor For Application: The applications should be sent by post in the
prescribed format available at our website ( or can be obtained
by post from “Administrative Officer, National Agri- Food Biotechnology
Institute, C-127, Phase VIII, Industrial Area, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab-160071
(India)”. Application should be accompanied by attested copies of certificates,
testimonials in support of age, educational qualifications, experience three
confidential letters of recommendations, research publications with „H‟ index, impact factor and number of citations, patents
filed, processes developed and a 1000 word write-up on the vision of how BPU
should be developed through the next ten years, etc. Completed application, as
above, along with non-refundable application fee of Rs.100/- (US$25 in case
of candidates applying from abroad) for general and OBC category candidates
only (NO application fee for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe /PWDs
candidates), by means of DD (issued by State Bank of India only except for
the candidates applying from abroad) valid for at least 3 months, drawn in
favour of “National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, Mohali” payable at
Phase-1 Br., Mohali, super-scribing the cover “Application for the post of
Dean, Deptt. of Biotechnology” should be sent to the Executive Director,
National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), C-127, Industrial Area,
Phase 8, SAS Nagar, Mohali-160071, Punjab, India. Fax No. 0172-4604888.
Last date for submission
of applications at NABI: 30th June, 2012
For More Information and Application format visit official Advertisement
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