751 Single Window Operators Recruitment in United Bank of India 2012

( A Govt. of India Undertaking)
11, Hemant Basu Sarani, Kolkata – 700001

United Bank of India has issued notification against recruitment of 751 Single Window Operators ‘A’ vacancies under Clerical Cadre. Candidates who have taken IBPS CWE for Clerical Cadre in 2011-2012 are only eligible to apply.

Important Dates:

  • Starting Date for Online Registration: 08-06-2012
  • Last Date for Online Registration: 22-06-2012
  • Dates for Payment of Fee: from 08-06-2012 to 22-06-2012
Name of Post: Single Window Operators ‘A’(Clerical Cadre)
Total Number of Vacancies: 751 (UR-379, SC-157, ST-52, OBC-163) (PH-23) (Ex.SM-156) in various states, Pay Scale Rs. 7200-19300

Age Limit: Candidates’ age must be between 18 years and 28 years. Cutoff date for determining age limit would be 01-08-2011. (Age relaxations will be extended as per Govt. rules).

Educational Qualification: Candidates must be 10+2 pass outs in 10+2+3 pattern with 60% marks or Graduation in any discipline from any recognised University.

IBPS Score Card Minimum Weighted Score: Candidates are asked to go through the notification for the details of state wise and category wise minimum required IBPS CWE Score available in tabular form in the notification. Unreserved candidates must obtain 24 or above marks in each of the papers and 21 or above would be the minimum CWE score for SC/ST/PWD/OBC/EXSM.

Application Fee Details
Applicants need to pay application fee of Rs. 100/- for General and OBC candidates and Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM. Fee can be paid in the form of Challan downloaded from website at any branch of United Bank of India or fee can also be paid at any NEFT enabled Bank in CBS Account No.0389050194259 with Old Court House Street Branch in the name & style of “United Bank Of India Clerical Cadre Recruitment Project 2012-13”

Selection Process: Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of Score obtained in IBPS CWE for Clerical Cadre and Personal Interview.

 Processor For Application
Candidates need to apply for the post online on or before 22-06-2012. After submission of application candidates must take the print out of Application Form and retain it for further use.
Instructions for Online Application:

1. Log on to www.unitedbankofindi.com and select the ‘Recruitment’ link to open the links in relation to the notification.
2. Select the link ‘Deposit Challan’ to apply for the post as per the directions given above.
3. Make payment with the help of Challan or through any NEFT enabled branch and revisit the Bank’s website to start the Online Application process.
4. Select the Online Application link to start applying Online for the Clerical post.
5. Fill all marked details carefully, check once the entire application form and Submit the Online Application.
6. Take print out of Application Form and retain it for further use to be produced at the time of Interview if asked for.

For More Information visit Here


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