249 Jobs Recruitment in Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences 2012

Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences (ILBS) has issued notification against recruitment of 249 various vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply through offline or online on or before 16-07-2012.

Total Number of Vacancies: 249

Names of Posts

1. Associate Professor: 05 vacancies
2. Assistant Professor: 24 vacancies
3. Sr. Resident: 25 vacancies
4. Casualty Medical Officer: 02 vacancies
5. Jr. Resident: 07 vacancies
6. Jr. Technical Executive: 04 vacancies
7. Jr. Pharmacist: 01 vacancy
8. Sr. Nurse: 02 vacancies
9. Nurse/Jr. Nurse: 36 vacancies
10. Patient Care Executive: 117 vacancies
11. Jr. Executive: 05 vacancies
12. Sr. Professor: 01 vacancy
13. Sr. Consultant: 01 vacancy
14. Professor: 02 vacancies
15. Additional Professor: 02 vacancies
16. Sr. Veterinary Officer: 01 vacancy
17. Physicist: 01 vacancy
18. Nurse Manager: 01 vacancy
19. Dy. Head Operations: 01 vacancy
20. Manager: 01 vacancy
21. Dy. Manager: 02 vacancies
22. Bio Medical Engineer: 01 vacancy
23. Sr. Executive: 02 vacancies
24. Jr. Engineer: 01 vacancy
25. Technical Executive: 01 vacancy
26. Jr. Nutritionist: 01 vacancy
27. Medical Record Jr. Executive: 01 vacancy
28. Statistician: 01 vacancy

Age Limit and Educational Qualification

Candidates are asked to go through the notification for the details of age limit and required educational qualification.

Application Fee Details

Application fee must be paid in form of Bank draft of Rs. 500/- (Rs.100/- in case of SC/ST candidates) payable in favor of “Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences” Payable at New Delhi.  Applicants can also transfer their application fee directly to ILBS Account No.CBCA01001116 through Corporation Bank, PBB, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110070 having Swift Code No.CORPINBB.373 (International) and IFS Code-CORP0000538 (for domestic remittances).

Selection Process: Selection shall be made on the basis of Interview.

Processor For Application

The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode or Offline application mode on or before 16/07/2012.

Offline mode

Candidates need to download application form from ILBS website www.ilbs.in. Applicants need to fill the form with all mandatory details, attach, photograph, attest signature, super scribe the name and code of post to be applied for on the envelope and on the back side of Draft and send it along with copies of all relevant certificates and payment receipt and send it to the following address, Dy. Head (HR) at Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences, D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 latest by 16-07-2012. Separate application has to be filled for each post applied along with application fee.

Instructions for Online Applying:

1. Candidates can apply through online application mode from the Institute’s website.
2. Candidate must select apply online link and fill all the details carefully.
3. After Submission of online application take print out of the application form.
4. Application print out send along with Documents and demand draft by post to the following address Dy. Head (HR) at Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences, D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 latest by 16-07-2012.
5. Separate application has to be filled for each post applied along with application fee.

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 16-07-2012.

For More Information and Application format Visit Here


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