The A.P.Mahesh Co.op.Urban Bank Ltd Recruitment 2012

The A.P. Mahesh Co-operative Urban Bank Ltd., a leading Multi State Scheduled Co-op. Urban Bank in South India, having a business turnover of over Rs. 1700 crores, with a network of 36 Branches invites applications for the post of:

General Manager:

Candidates should possess excellent Management/ Professional/ Administrative skills and experience of working at corporate/ Zonal/Regional levels. They should be well versed with the latest trends/technology in banking and should possess at least 5 years experience in Scale VI/V and above with Public Sector Banks or in corresponding grades with other Banks.

Candidate must have proven track record, with dynamic leadership abilities, and expertise in the Banking field for providing corporate excellence.
Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation, MBA, CFA, ICWA/C.S. will be preferred.
Age: Below 55 years.

Dy.General Managers/Asst.General Managers:

Finance Accounts & Treasury/Credit/Information & Technology/ Law /Planning & Development/Human Resources:

Candidates should have worked at Corporate/Zonal/Regional levels either as Chief Manager(Scale IV) and Asst.General Mangaers(Scale V) in Public Sector Banks or in corresponding grades with other Banks. They should have proven track record of Managing efficiently as head of the section/area of operation/ fields/specialization stated above for a minimum period of 5 years and should have been recognized as HIGH FLIER in reaching the targets/deadlines/goals set by the Management.
They should have been acquainted with latest trends in Banking and shall have exposure to latest technology/changes in Banking industry and should possess requisite expertise and abilities to provide corporate excellence.
Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation, MBA, C.A., Cost and Financial Analysis will have an edge over others.
Age: Below 55 years.

Senior Managers/Head Of Departments:
Finance Accounts & Treasury/Credit/Insurance/Estate/Information & Technology/Law/Recovery/Marketing/Planning & Development/Human Resource:

Candidates should be a seasoned banker and should have worked as Manager(Scale II) or Senior Manager(Scale III) at least for 5 years at Branch level/Regional level/Zonal level and Corporate Office level in Public Sector Banks or in corresponding grades in other banks. They should have good knowledge of banking operations and should acquainted with latest trends in banking and should be aware of complying with the statutory and other regulatory requirements relevance to banking. Candidates should have achieved the assigned targets from time to time by the Management and should have met the deadlines in completing the various tasks.
Candidates with CAIIB, Post Graduation/CA/MBA will be preferred.
Age: Below 55 years.
Address for communication:

The A.P.Mahesh Co.op.Urban Bank Ltd., (Multi State Scheduled Bank)
5-3-989, Sherza Estate, N.S.Road, Osmangunj, Hyderabad – 500 095 (A.P.)
Remuneration will commensurate with Qualification and experience and is not a constraint for deserving candidates.

Interested candidates strictly meeting the above criteria only need to apply giving details of Pay/CTC presently drawn and expected, superscribing the post applied, so as to reach the address stated above on or before 23.01.2012.


Candidate should be graduate with excellent track record of internal management of the Branch successfully i.e., entire operations of the branch on his own. He should be well versed with the latest trends/technology in banking, qualities of business development rendering excellent customer service and should possess at least 5 years Banking experience.
Address for communication:

The A.P.Mahesh Co.op.Urban Bank Ltd., (Multi State Scheduled Bank)
5-3-989, Sherza Estate, N.S.Road, Osmangunj, Hyderabad – 500 095 (A.P.)
Remuneration will commensurate with Qualification and experience and is not a constraint for deserving candidates.

Interested candidates strictly meeting the above criteria only need to apply giving details of Pay/CTC presently drawn and expected, superscribing the post applied, so as to reach the address stated above on or before 23.01.2012.

For More Information Visit Here


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