Vector Control Research Centre Recruitment 2012 |
(Indian council of Medical Research)
Candidates who possess
qualifications mentioned below may attend the WALK-IN INTERVIEW on
06.01.2012 (Friday) between 9-00 AM AND 12.00 NOON with all the original
certificates, including community certificate and recent passport size
photograph for the post of RESEARCH SCIENTIST under an ICMR funded
Project entitled “National network for genotyping of human lymphatic
filarial parasite Wuchereria bancrofti from different endemic areas” The
selected candidate will be appointed initially for a period of one year
and the period may be extended depending upon his/her performance and
availability of funds for another period of six months.
1. Educational Qualifications: a. Essential Qualifications
1st Class Master Degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or any other branch of Life Sciences from a recognized University b. desirable Qualifications
(i) Doctorate in related science from a recognized University.
(ii) Additional Post-doctoral research/teaching experience in the field of molecular biology, especially gene polymorphism, cloning and expression of genes and their sequencing, as evidenced by publications in reputed journals.
(iii) Knowledge of computer applications or business intelligence tools, date management. 2. Job Requirement To carry out studies on frequency determination of genetic alleles/ polymorphism of genes of filarial parasites and phylogenetic and molecular analysis 3. Salary Rs. 31,831/- pm + HRA admissible as per ICMR rules. 4. Age limit Not exceeding 35 years as on the date of walk in interview and relaxable for Govt. Servant SC/ST and OBC candidates as per Govt. of India rules in force
Venue: Vector Control Research Centre, Medical Complex Indira Nagar, Puducherry-605006.
Candidates who wish to appear for the interview can download the application format given in the Web Site of Vector Control Research Centre, Puducherry ( Duly filled in application along with the copies of certificate should be submitted at the time of interview. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with regard to selection shall be a disqualification and such candidates will not be entertained. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
For More Information And Online Application Visit Here
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