Various Recruitment by Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya 2012

Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya
(A Central University)
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Rolling Faculty/ Non-Faculty  vacancy (no last date)

Applications on prescribed format are invited from the eligible candidates for the following faculty and non-faculty positions :

1.Non-Teaching Posts :
    1. Registrar (Ont hree years term basis)
    2. Finance Officer (On three years term basis)
    3. Controller of Examinations (On three years term basis)
    4. Deputy Registrar
    5. Hindi Officer
    6. Hindi Translator 
    7. Hindi Typist
    8. Medical Officer
    9. University Engineer
    10. Accounts
    11. Officer
    12. Laboratory Assistant Library Assistant
    13. Technical Assistant 
    14. Sub-Engineer
    15. ANM
    16. Compounder. 
  1. Professor  : in various subjects and disciplines. 
  2. Associate Professor : in various subjects and disciplines.
  3. Assistant Professor : in various subjects and disciplines. 
Processor For Application: Duly filled-in applications in the prescribed format may reach the Registrar, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (CG) throughout the year by registered/ Speed post.

For More Information And Online Application Visit Here


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