Guidelines and Term & Conditions for the Teaching, Position Advertised
1. Qualifications:
(a) An eminent scholar with published work of high quality actively engaged in research, with 10 years of experience in Post-Graduate teaching and/or experience in research at the University/ National Level Institutions, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level. OR An outstanding scholar with established reputation who had made significant contribution to the field of knowledge
(a) Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who join from outside the University system shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with latter grades, O, A, B, C, D, and E & F at the Master’s Degree Level.
(b) Five years experience of teaching and /or research excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degree and has made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation design of new course and curricula.
2. Scale of Pay:- Professor Rs.37,400-Rs.67,000/- + AGP Rs.10,000/- Reader Rs.15,600 -Rs.39,100/- + AGP Rs.8,000/- 3. Age of Superannuation – 60 Years 4. Documents to be submitted along with application forms (seven copies):-
(a) Self attested copies of certificates and mark sheets of examinations passed.
(b) Copies of other achievements and research works.
(c) Forwarding of application by the employer (if employed).
(d) Candidates who are in service can send their applications as advance copy in order to save delay and the forwarding of application will be followed by it.
(e) Candidate applying for the post of Reader are required to submit the reprints of their three major publications.
(f) Candidates applying for the post of Professor are required to submit the reprints of their three major publications out of which one could be a book or research report.
For More Information Visit Here
2. Scale of Pay:- Professor Rs.37,400-Rs.67,000/- + AGP Rs.10,000/- Reader Rs.15,600 -Rs.39,100/- + AGP Rs.8,000/- 3. Age of Superannuation – 60 Years 4. Documents to be submitted along with application forms (seven copies):-
(a) Self attested copies of certificates and mark sheets of examinations passed.
(b) Copies of other achievements and research works.
(c) Forwarding of application by the employer (if employed).
(d) Candidates who are in service can send their applications as advance copy in order to save delay and the forwarding of application will be followed by it.
(e) Candidate applying for the post of Reader are required to submit the reprints of their three major publications.
(f) Candidates applying for the post of Professor are required to submit the reprints of their three major publications out of which one could be a book or research report.
For More Information Visit Here
- http://www.utkal-university.
org/utkal%20university/_DATA/ Guidelines10.02.11.pdf
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