International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA Jobs 2011
(i) A Technical degree in renewable energy, engineering, or applied science.
(ii) Reasonable exposure to/experience of policy work and implementation of schemes at the ground level
(i) Exposure to policy in the field of renewable energy.
(ii) Management degree.
Interested candidates may send their application in the enclosed proforma to the following address by 28th February, 2011.
Deputy Secretary (IR)
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Room No. 226 Block No.14, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110 003.
Telefax : 011-24363316
For More Information Visit Here

International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has been established in January, 2009 with Hqrs. at Abu Dhabi, UAE. So far 148 states including India and the European Union have signed statue of the agency. The mandate of the agency is to promote wide spread and increase adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy.
As per the secondment scheme of IRENA, Member States can second its qualified staff for working in the agency for a maximum period of 4 years. The Seconding Member States are required to continue to pay the salary of the seconded officials and be responsible for pension and other social rights. The seconding member state also undertakes to maintain the administrative status (permanent, contract, etc.) of the seconded official during the period of secondment.
This Ministry proposes to second two officers to IRENA. One of these candidates will be technical person (Scientist ‘E’/‘F’ level) and one Administrative Officer (Director/Dy. Secretary level). Details about the essential qualification, experience, etc. required to be fulfilled by the candidates are given below:-
(i) A Technical degree in renewable energy, engineering, or applied science.
(ii) Reasonable exposure to/experience of policy work and implementation of schemes at the ground level
(i) Exposure to policy in the field of renewable energy.
(ii) Management degree.
Interested candidates may send their application in the enclosed proforma to the following address by 28th February, 2011.
Deputy Secretary (IR)
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
Room No. 226 Block No.14, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110 003.
Telefax : 011-24363316
For More Information Visit Here
Secondment%20of%20Staff%20to% 20IRENA.pdf
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