Various Post Recruitment by Kerala Agricultural University Kerala


College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara
KAU P.O., Thrissur District, Kerala, PIN-680 656
No: Estt-I/7126/2010 Dated 07-01-2011

Applications are invited for the following temporary posts for the period up to March 2012 under the RKVY project “Centre for E-Learning in Agriculture(CEL)” being implemented at Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur- 680 656

Post Code No.
Technical and skilled position – Details
Qualifications & Experience
Senior Research Fellow
(Rs.18,000+HRA)/ month

M.Sc. (Agriculture). Proficiency in working with Computer (MS Office); High level skill in translating English to Malayalam and vice versa. Ability to prepare e-content, lessons and teaching materials
Computer and IT Expert-cum-Programmer
(Rs. 12,000 +HRA)/ month
MCA. Proficiency in programming and Visual basic and Multimedia. Work experience (More than 6 months) in similar works.  In the absence of MCA holders, B. Tech (Computer Science/IT) B.Sc (Computer Science or IT) with above proficiencies.
Technical Assistant (Computer Operator cum Typist) (Rs. 8,000 +HRA)  /month

Any Degree (3 Years). KGTE Lower (English). Malayalam typing ISM-Certificate. DTP – Certificate. Previous job  experience in Computer typing (English and Malayalam) and DTP in Agriculture/Veterinary related stations
Project Fellow (TOT)
(Rs. 12,000  + HRA)/ month
Professional degree (4 years). B.Sc. (Ag) / B. Tech. (Agri. Engg.) / B.Sc. (Forestry.) / B.Sc.(C&B) with sound knowledge in computer operations. High level skill in translating English to Malayalam and vice versa. Ability to prepare e-content, lessons and teaching materials
Technical Assistant (Training)  (Rs. 8,000  +HRA)  / month
UG degree holders preferably in computer sciences with VHSE in Agriculture related subjects. Knowledge of computer desirable.

Processor For Selection : Candidates who qualify the written test will appear for skill test related to the job. The short listed candidates after the skill test can appear for the interview. The date of the Test and Interview is 24th January, 2011 (10am to 6 pm).

Processor For Application : Filled in applications along with attested copies of the documents to prove the qualifications, experience, and item No. 6 and 7 of the application form may be sent by post/courier or in person so as to reach the Director, Centre for E-Learning in Agriculture(CEL), Department of Extension, College of Horticulture, KAU .P.O. , Vellanikkara, Thrissur – 680 656, Kerala on or before 9:30 am 24th January 2011.

For More Information Visit Here


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