Translator Recruitment by High court of kerala
website: Phone: 0484-2562235e-mail: Fax:0484-2391720
REC-3/89479/10 Kochi: 682 031
Dated: 06.01.2011
Applications are invited from qualified Indian Citizens for appointment to the post of Translator in the High Court of Kerala.
1. Recruitment No: 1/20112. Name of the post: Translator
3. Scale of pay: Rs.7990 – 12930
4. Number of vacancies: 3 (anticipated).
Method of appointment: Direct Recruitment.
Mode of Selection: The selection will be on the basis of Translation Test and Interview.
Processor for application
Rs.200/-. SC/ST and Unemployed Physically Handicapped candidates are exempted from payment of fee. The fee should be remitted by way of Demand Draft drawn from any of the Nationalised Banks in favour of “Registrar General, High Court of Kerala” payable at Ernakulam. The candidates should write their name and address on the reverse of the Demand Draft and send it along with the filled in application. Fee once paid will not, in any case, be refunded. Applications should be submitted in the prescribed format which is available in the website ( and notice board of the High Court. Applications in the prescribed format prepared on good quality A4 size paper in accordance with the instructions in this notification should be sent to the High Court by post. The envelope containing the application shall be superscribed “Application for the post of Translator” and sent to “THE REGISTRAR GENERAL, HIGH COURT OF KERALA, ERNAKULAM, KOCHI-682 031”.
For More Information Visit here
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