Research Fellow Recruitment by Vivekananada Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan Almora




It is proposed to fill up the temporary and time bound positions of Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow & Junior Research Fellow on contractual basis under the following projects. The eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for interview at V.P.K.A.S. (ICAR), Almora on 17.01.2011 at 10.00 AM.

1. ICAR funded project ‘Institute Technology Management Unit’- RA (1Post)
Post: Research Associates (One Post)
Essential Qualifications:
Master Degree in Agriculture/Botany or allied subjects, or MBA (with two years of research experience in the relevant areas of work) or Ph.D. in the subjects. Diploma/degree in IP Management, knowledge of IPRS/ Patents and good working experience on Computer typing / Internet search/ Software applications. Age should be Bellow 40 years for men and 45 years for women as on the date of interview.

2. ICAR Network Project on Transgenics in Crops (Maize) – RA (1 Post)
Post-:-Research Associates (One Post)
Essential Qualifications-:-M. Sc/ M. Sc (Ag) in Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding with experience in plant molecular biology. Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in gene mapping , MAS, transformation and cloning. Age Should be Bellow 40 years for men and 45 years for women as on the date of interview.

3. NAIP Funded Project ‘Bioprospecting of genes and allele mining for abiotic stress tolerance (Rice and Maize)’ – SRF (2 Posts)
Post-:-Senior Research Fellow (Two Posts)
Essential Qualifications-:-M. Sc/ M. Sc (Ag) in Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding/ Plant Physiology with experience in plant molecular biology. Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in allele mining, transformation and cloning . Age should be Bellow 35 years for men and 40 years for women as on the date of interview

4. DBT Funded project ‘Pyramiding multiple resistance genes using MAS for durable resistance against blast in the North West Himalayas’ – JRF (1 Post)

Post-:-Junior Research Fellow (One Post)
Essential Qualifications-:-M. Sc/ M. Sc (Ag) in Biotechnology/ Plant Breeding/ Plant Pathology with experience in plant molecular biology. Experience and knowledge of molecular biology techniques used in gene mapping , MAS, transformation and cloning. Age should be Bellow 30 years for men and 35 years for women as on the date of interview.

For More Information Visit Here


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