Diploma Trainee and Junior Technician Trainee Recruitment in Power Grid Corporation of India Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise)
Western Region Transmission System-I
Sampriti Nagar, Nari Ring Road, P.O.-Uppalwadi, Nagpur-440 026.
TEL: (0712)-2641478/79, FAX: 2641366, Website: http://www.powergridindia.com
POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country and one of the largest and best managed Transmission Utilities in the world, invite applications from energetic and talented candidates for the posts given below:
1. Diploma Trainee (Electrical)
Vacancies - 17 (UR-9,SC-2 ,ST-4 ,OBC(NCL)-2 ,PH(HH)-1 )
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 16,500/- per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Engineer Gr-IV (S-1) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 7300-12660 after successful completion of One Year training.
2. Diploma Trainee (Civil)
Vacancies – 8(UR-5 ,,ST-2 ,OBC(NCL)-1, PH(HH)-1 )
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 16,500/- per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Engineer Gr-IV (S-1) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 7300-12660 after successful completion of One Year training.
3. Assistant (Finance)
Vacancies - 8 (UR-4 ,ST-3 ,OBC(NCL)-1)
Pay-Scale - W-4 Grade in the pay scale of Rs.5400-10350(IDA)
4. Junior Technician Trainee (Electrical)
Vacancies - 56 (UR-34 ,SC-4 ,ST-8 ,OBC(NCL)-10 ,PH(OH)-2)
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 11,000/-per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Technician(W-3) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 5000-9590/- after successful completion of One Year training.
How to Apply
Last Date
Visit Here for more information and Application Format http://www.powergridindia.com/POWERGRID/Applications/RECTT07/DOCS/AUG/Advertisment_Details_WR_I.pdf

Western Region Transmission System-I
Sampriti Nagar, Nari Ring Road, P.O.-Uppalwadi, Nagpur-440 026.
TEL: (0712)-2641478/79, FAX: 2641366, Website: http://www.powergridindia.com
POWERGRID, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of the country and one of the largest and best managed Transmission Utilities in the world, invite applications from energetic and talented candidates for the posts given below:
1. Diploma Trainee (Electrical)
Vacancies - 17 (UR-9,SC-2 ,ST-4 ,OBC(NCL)-2 ,PH(HH)-1 )
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 16,500/- per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Engineer Gr-IV (S-1) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 7300-12660 after successful completion of One Year training.
2. Diploma Trainee (Civil)
Vacancies – 8(UR-5 ,,ST-2 ,OBC(NCL)-1, PH(HH)-1 )
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 16,500/- per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Engineer Gr-IV (S-1) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 7300-12660 after successful completion of One Year training.
3. Assistant (Finance)
Vacancies - 8 (UR-4 ,ST-3 ,OBC(NCL)-1)
Pay-Scale - W-4 Grade in the pay scale of Rs.5400-10350(IDA)
4. Junior Technician Trainee (Electrical)
Vacancies - 56 (UR-34 ,SC-4 ,ST-8 ,OBC(NCL)-10 ,PH(OH)-2)
Pay-Scale - Stipend of Rs. 11,000/-per month during training period To be regularised as Jr. Technician(W-3) in the Pay Scale of Rs. 5000-9590/- after successful completion of One Year training.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should send their application as per format available in our website www.powergridindia.com on A4 size paper with a recent photograph affixed in the right top corner along with a non refundable application fee of Rs.200/- in case of Diploma Trainee, and Rs.100/- in case of Assistant (Finance) and Jr. Technician Trainee in the from of Crossed Bank Draft favouring “POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED” payable at Nagpur. SC/ST/PH candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
Last Date
Visit Here for more information and Application Format http://www.powergridindia.com/
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