Consultant Vacancies in National Institute of Health and Family Welfare

Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi-110067
National Institute of Health and Family Welfare is an Autonomous / Apex Technical Institute funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for promoting Health and Family Welfare Programmes in the country through Education AND Training, Research and Evaluation, specialized services, consultancy and advisory service. This Institute has been appointed by MOHFW, GOI as a Nodal Agency for Coordination of all the Training Activities in the country under the National Rural Health Mission – Reproductive and Child Health Programmes – II. The project is approved till 31.03.2012. Under the above project NIHFW has vacancies for certain posts of contractual staff. However the initial appointment of staff will be till 31.03.2011.
1. Consultant (Tech.)
2. Consultant (Medical)
3. Consultant (Finance)
4. Consultant (Management)
5. Consultant (MIS)
6. Consultant (RO)
7. Technical Assistant
8. RO (Internee)
Date of Interview
- Date of Walk-in-Interview: Consultant (Tech.) 09.08.2010 F.N.
- Consultant (Medical) 09.08.2010 F.N.
- Consultant (Finance) 09.08.2010 A.N.
- Consultant (Management) 09.08.2010 A.N.
- Consultant (MIS) 09.08.2010 A.N.
- Consultant (RO) 10 and 11.08.2010 (whole day)
- Technical Assistant 12 and 13.08.2010 (whole day)
Interested candidates may appear for a Walk-in-Interview on the above date and time in the Office of the Director, NIHFW, New Delhi alongwith detailed CV as per proforma enclosed and attested copies of age proof, qualifications and experience Certificates and original certifications for verification.
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