Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET) Vacancies 2010

An IUC of University Grants Commission
Near Gujarat University Guest House
Besides Maharaja Sayajirao Diamond Jubilee Girls Hostel
Gujarat University Area
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
(Tel. no. 26301972, 26305971, 26308528, 26304695)
Advt No. 02/2010 Walk-in Interview
The Centre invites applications from Indian nationals for appointment to the following purely temporary position on contractual appointment basis initially for a period of one year which may be extended for further period depending upon the exigency of work.
1. Project Officer (LS)
Pay-Scale - Rs.18,000/- 2 30 Yrs.
Qualification - MLISc. or equivalent from a recognized University/Institute with 1 year experience in a computerized library environment.
2. Project Assistant (LS)
Pay-Scale - Rs.8,500/- 1 25 Yrs. MLISc or equivalent from a recognized University/Institute with knowledge of computer applications is desirable.
How to Apply
Interested candidates who meet the eligibility conditions are requested to kindly present for test/personal interview on Monday, 9 th August, 2010 between 9.30-10.30 AM at the above address with their application(s) neatly typed on plain paper in the prescribed proforma with a recent passport size photograph duly affixed in it along with a covering letter and attested copies of certificates/testimonials. The centre may contact Objective type test of candidates who appear for the interview. As the posts are purely temporary on project appointment basis no age relaxation is admissible to candidate of any reserve category. The application form can be downloaded from our website No TA will be paid for attending the interview.
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